Trailblazer Physiotherapy is a small, local Dartmouth business founded by Adrian Wong, a qualified physiotherapist. 

At Trailblazer Physiotherapy, Adrian provides a range of evidenced-based services to improve physical function and quality of life, including personalized assessments, treatments, and rehabilitation plans tailored to your needs. 

What we do:

If you're looking to optimize your bike fit,  achieve your fitness goals, recover from an injury, treat neck, back or nerve pain, relieve tension headaches, manage a chronic condition or just want to optimise your performance in everyday life, Adrian at Trailblazer Physiotherapy will be keen to help. Utilising a combination of manual therapy and exercises, Adrian can help you achieve your goals and feel good.

Who we help:

Adrian helps athletes, fitness and adventure enthusiasts, commuters, hobbyists, bookworms, knitters, foodies and everybody in between! 

Adrian seeks to empower patients with the knowledge and tools necessary to maintain long-term health and is dedicated to helping individuals of all ages and backgrounds regain and improve their optimal physical capabilities and lead healthier, happier lives.